About Me
I am a PhD Candidate studying space physics and planetary sciences at the University of Oregon. I work under the guidance of my amazing advisor, Dr. Carol Paty. My research primarily focuses on analyzing Earth's magnetosphere when Earth is undergoing geomagnetic pole reversals, and I apply that anaylsis to the study of other complex planetary magnetospheres, notably Uranus and Neptune. My second research project focuses on using machine learning to identify minerals on the surface of Mars using infrared spectroscopy data from the Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter.
I am also working under Joe Dufek with graduate students Rudi Lien and Chris Harper to develop an autonomous instrument platform on an unmanned solar-powered aircraft that can gather data from multiple instruments over a very large range/duration.
Outside interests include gardening carnivorous plants, playing with my cat, and practicing random coding projects. I also have a small YouTube channel where I discuss carnivorous plant gardening and other science topics.

2018 - Present
PhD - University of Oregon
PhD Candidate | Earth Sciences
Advisor: Carol Paty
2016 - 2018
B.S. - Georgia Institute of Technology
Major: Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Minor: Physics
GPA: 3.26 (Cum Laude)
2014 - 2016
A.S. - Georgia State University Perimeter College
Major: Physics
GPA: 3.58
Awards, Scholarships and Grants
First-Year Graduate Fellowship (2018)
Earth Science Graduate Teaching Excellence Award (2021)
Earth Science Graduate Research Excellence Award (2022)